In this life transforming message: 'Silencing The Accuser' Kum Eric Tso teaches on who is the accuser, the need to silence the accuser and how to silence the accuser. Click here to listen to the Born to Reign podcast.
What is Epikaizo? Epikaizo (overshadow) is a Hebrew word used in the Bible to talk of the highest manifestation of God’s power. This is when God’s presence overwhelms (overshadows, overtakes) man and causes the physical faculties of man to lose their earthly essence and take upon the form of the Spirit. This is when the natural is quickened by the concentration of God’s power to materialize into the supernatural. Moses experienced the Epikaizo when he spent 40 days 40 nights on the mountain. What can I do to experience Epikaizo? The key to Epikaizo is Revelation – Go for the Word! 1 Peter 1:13 ‘‘Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;’’ King James Version Whether you are meditating more in His word, studying to know Him more personally, praying in other tongues, associating with those in the Epikaizo experience, confessin...