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Showing posts with the label Gospel of Justice

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The love of Jesus - Overwhelming

The love of Jesus - Overwhelming, This little child is overwhelm by the unmeasurable love Jesus has for him so much so that He died for Him. He can't hold his emotions any more and busts into tears as he tells his other how Jesus loves Him to the point of laying down His life on Calvary.

Dr Abel Damina's shocking answers on tithing. ''Christian should not pay tithes....

Dr Abel Damina's shocking answers on tithing. ''Christian should not pay tithes.. they should give more''. Dr Abel Damina once again blows the mind of the religious custodians of the law with his views on tithing as regards new testament christians. Tithing in the Bible - Is Tithing for the New Testament Believer? Why You Should NOT Tithe (Selected Scriptures) “It would be political suicide to give that speech,” said an aide to his boss. “He’s right, Senator,” chimed in another aide. “It’s just one clear-cut statement after another” (Morrie Brickman,  Reader’s Digest  [4/83]). It’s probably suicidal for a pastor to preach on why you should  not  tithe! It’s risky at best, because some may hear the part about not tithing and block out the rest of the message! I would guess that if everyone who came regularly to this church gave ten percent to the church, our income would probably triple, at least! So why am I not preac...

10 Richest Pastors: Millionaires Spark Controversy!

10 Richest Pastors: Millionaires Spark Controversy! This is rather an unusual post, I guess!  The ranking of men of God according to their wealth? Many are puzzled by the thought that being a pastor can be a ticket to fortune and wealth, but times have changed. I, in no way endorse any of the pastors featured here but merely present a realistic ranking of the top 10 richest pastors in the world. Below is a list of 10 Richest Pastors who are raking in megabucks as they spread the word. Note: I was inspired to invest in multi-businesses though being a totally committed preacher by the testimony of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, a preacher and business man with million dollar investments all across the world. He said: ''I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me." I believe God is not against getting rich but against doing so through fraudulent means or with wrong motives. Of what use is money to me if it's not used to glorify the crea...

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